Thursday, March 19, 2009

Latest ramblings

Its been awhile since I last posted, just been very busy here. Appointments, school trips, karate trips etc etc.

Lets see lets start at the top and work down.

Jordyn has changed schools due to being constantly bullied at the last one. He is really enjoying his new one and beginning to settle down and not be so stressed. We went up to Auckland a few weeks back to meet the founder of GKR Karate. Was HEAPS of fun and so educational. Thanks to our Sensei for driving us up there, it was much appreciated . We stopped off at Dury and got to see the big MONSTER V truck.. shame its a Holden ;)

Here's pics from the trip
Kyran and Jordyn by the truck

Sensei Antoni signing Jordy's belt

Jordyn and Kyran with Kancho Sullivan

Moving on to the next one of our beautiful tribe Brandon :)

Brandon is doing really well. He is back at the Mckenzie Centre as we have finished the Hanen programme. Personally I don't think the programme did him any favours but he is slowly coming back to his old self again. We have introduced a child psychologist to help us understand his behaviour and work through some behaviours that could do with a bit of tweaking. Last Friday we went on a zoo trip with his daycare. He loved it! Lars, Nicole and myself walked around with him on his bear harness. He throughly enjoyed it laughing up a storm. So many pictures I could put here but I'll share some of my favourites. Brandon is a delight to have around. The good days are EXCELLENT, when he is loving he is the most cuddliest little angel you could ever hope for. Milestone wise he is drinking out of a glass now full time, no more sippy bottles :) So proud of him. He is sleeping better, though not by much we make the most of the little things that change for the good.

Ok so here's the zoo pics :), well some of them, if you want to see the rest you will either have to email or if your nearby drop in for a cuppa !

I think this photo just sums up Mr Pickle

And we're off!! RUN RUN as fast as you can
One of my favourites as he explores the world around him

Looking back at his world

The Brandon we all see inside, shining through

Right moving on and last but not least Meckenzie, can't forget her she won't let us

Kenzie had her Ped's appointment this week

Kenzie's appointment went well. Shes 14.85kg/87.7cm long. (off the charts for her weight and 50% for her height) Her muscle tone looks great, though her arms still are a bit on the weak side. Fine and Gross motor development are right up there. He agrees that her absentees are something to look into and so she will be having a sleep deprived EEG done sometime in the next few months to rule out hopefully epilepsy.

Its only taken 2 years but we finally have an official diagnosis. She has hyptonia and Lactic acidosis. The latter technically should have killed her and we are so thankful that it hasn't. He does believe the metformin had something to do with and believes that it is the reason for her delays. He doesn't think the damage done is severe and that she will slowly catch up. He was super impressed to hear that she walked quicker than they anticipated.

On the way to the lifts to head out we bumped into the original doctor who diagnoised her and we had a chat in the lift. She was impressed with how far Kenzie had come. They both think she is adorable, which I knew already lol

So for now, we wait for the EEG to be done and hopefully get the clear there, we were offered genetic testing but once again refused it (her testing not mine)at the end of the day we agreed that there is nothing that will change who she is. We have come this far without getting answers so they won't make a difference now.

Pete and I are still to this day extremely grateful that she is with us and that she has defied so many odds

The following photos are of her milestone accomplishment this month

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This afternoon we had TWO bubble machines going. Brandon thought this was great fun!! It kept him entertained for ages! He's also started getting into colouring in like Meckenzie, though I didn't grab any pictures of them fighting over who was going to draw in what book. Its great to see them wanting to interact with one another and actually parallel play. HUGE PROGRESS!!

I paid for his trip to the zoo next Friday which I am going to be going along too and yes Camera in hand.

Jordyn and I went to the gardens today to spend some time together. He's had a very hard week with bullying at his school and has been under a lot of stress. We (being me) are trying to work out whether we want to let him go back. Right now he has to make a choice but with us having final say. Pete want's him to stay there but I cant justify the risk. We have had three years of bullying. Anway for pics we took at the gardens (of garden) see the other blog thats attached to this one. But below are some photos that I took of Jordyn playing in the playground.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wet horrible weekend

Its been such a wet horrible weekend that we didn't get out to do much. Though we did have this lovely creature above visit us on our hedge.

We decided to bring out a few balloons. Brandon wasn't interested in them and Jordyn was out with Gran but Kenzie loved them especially the orange one

Brandon got home from being out with his grandfather, and discovered Kenzie had a new bed, though I think he thought it was more for him because he was super keen to get in and curl up lol! Bless his heart

So with both boys out Kenzie and I were able to enjoy a bit of quality time together. I thought making her super tired might help her sleep - I was wrong its nearly 11pm as I write this and she is wide awake in her bed. *sigh* I love my little princess but she is draining me with this no sleeping.

What better to eat on a hot muggy day than icecream! She hasn't mastered spoons yet lol. Why bother when fingers do just as good a job lol.

All in all a very quiet weekend with lack of sleep because of Kenzie not sleeping. Endless visitors which any other time we would have enjoyed and lots of rain. The boy's room got changed around to stop him banging on Nicole's wall and I am hoping that that will be the end of that.

I have come to the conclussion I can't please everyone and there are things obviously I am not going to put in a blog for all the world to see. Those that need to know, know.

From one very tired mummy who is having a 'woe is me' day I am off to try and get some sleep if thats possible.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Picnic at the lake

Yesterday we took Brandon and Kenzie to the local lake to have an impromptu picnic. Brandon who for those of you who are just learning about me has autism. He is 3.5 years old. At first he didn't quite know what to make of it. A meltdown later he was off chasing the ducks and having a good time. Kenzie was quite happy to just sit back and eat the food that he didn't want lol.

We took them around to the playground where they had heaps of fun playing on the climbing frames and Nicole took Brandon down the big slide. The first time he went down he panicked but by the third and fourth time, our little thrill seeker was loving the sensations that it caused lol

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jordyns Orange belt grading

On the 11th Feburary, Jordyn (8yrs old) was ready after a long 6 months to grade for his orange belt. He was there with four other Melville GKR students who were also grading. Three of them for their orange belts too and one for his yellow belt.

Before they started they had to do a warm up. Jordyn was starting to feel real nervous about the whole grading at this time. His last grading had been an hour after Brydey had died so it was a huge deal for him to move on from his yellow belt to his orange belt.

But he managed to get it together and put on his 'karate face' as we call it. So Sensei Slade and Sensei Steve put the kids through their paces. Testing them to see how much they had learnt about the movements and how their technique was.
It went on for an hour and a half. The ones who had their protective gear were given a chance to spar with others. This was great to watch. All of them did so well. Jordyn didn't get to spar but next time he'll have his gear. So all in all a proud mummy moment as I stood by camera in hand for his second big grading, making up for the time that I missed his first one. I was super proud of Jordyn, he has worked so hard and stuck at it faithfully.